we're going to be shutting this board down after this weekend. By sunday October 25th I would like everyone to be registered over at the new board :) If you haven't been to the new one yet it's http://etsydlist.ning.com

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9/25/2009 12:33 pm  #26

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

The button is perfect!!!  Good job Christy!  ^thumbs up^


9/25/2009 1:35 pm  #27

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

I just got back from trying to hand sell my scarves and hats to some local shops.  Although I didn't actually come back with any sales  I had a number of offers for consignment.  I guess that's how it works in the gifty shops.  In any case it was a really positive experience.  I got great feedback from the shop owners who do the buying.  Things like which color sells etc.  The general consensus is that I am making a pretty unique product.  They all had to try on the hats and I had to practically tear one scarf out of a shop owners hands when I was leaving.

In any case,  I recommend trying this if you can stomach it.  Even if they didn't want something they told me it was cool or suggested somewhere else to try.  No meanies at all.  I think this is particularly helpful if your items are textural like mine.  You can't quite capture how fuzzy it feels in a photograph.


9/25/2009 1:38 pm  #28

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

Congratulations on all your sales posted!

I did sell a couple of dragonfly postage stamp sets on Zazzle on Sep 7.  I had been pretty much ignoring my Zazzle shop for Etsy.  The sale inspired me to work on listings more for both shops.

Right now, I'm measuring my success by how much fun I'm having. 


9/26/2009 6:42 am  #29

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

OK, this may not qualify as a real success, but ....  I now have 100 followers on my "D" List blog!  I'm really happy about that because more eyes on the blog mean more eyes on all the D Listers I mention which can't be a bad thing for any of us!  Besides, if I can't see my sales budge.. at least I see my followers go up... as pathetic as that sounds, it makes me happy 


9/26/2009 6:49 am  #30

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

Wow!  That is fantastic! 

Do we have a D List Facebook page?

Shop with us at www.mimisbabies.etsy.com
Become a Facebook Fan at www.facebook.com/mimisbabies
Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/mimisbabiesetsy

9/26/2009 9:58 am  #31

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

fiberpuppy- That's awesome! Feedback is very important, it lets you know how the public feels about your items. Besides, how many no's did a successful person get before they got that first yes? How many times was the light bulb invented before he got it right? Tons! So just keep it up!

Inga- That's great, sales are sales no matter where they come from very exciting

Sandy- That really kicks ass! I can't believe how fast the following has grown Keep it up!

Mimi-As of right now, no we do not have a facebook page. That's something I can work on this coming week

     Thread Starter

9/26/2009 10:06 am  #32

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

No problem, I was just curious if we did.

Shop with us at www.mimisbabies.etsy.com
Become a Facebook Fan at www.facebook.com/mimisbabies
Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/mimisbabiesetsy

9/26/2009 12:41 pm  #33

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

I got an email through CraigsList this morning from a woman who saw my Cloche hat listing and followed my link to my shop. She wants to by my Alpaca cowl and fingerless mitts! I told her to go to my shop and she can check out with PayPal through there. She hasn't emailed me back, but I'll give it to Monday and then maybe I'll message her again. It would be so awesome to finally have another sale!


9/26/2009 3:31 pm  #34

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

That is fantastic, Margie! I've seen your beer cozys; they are very cute.



9/26/2009 4:45 pm  #35

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

OK...I just learned on the Etsy forum that if your item is featured on Gift Guides, it will remain there until it sells or until Admin has become tired of it (which can be up to 2 weeks).  I'm hoping that my cozies don't sell just so my shop will get more views and, possibly, more sales!   

Rachel, That's fantastic regarding your possible CraigsList sale!  Since some people are hesitant signing up on Etsy, maybe you can arrange for her to send you a USPS money order.


9/26/2009 5:14 pm  #36

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

i got contacted by a previous customer who wants my pink heart anklet for a friend as a gift!!!  finally a sale coming through!!

i actually was asked by another lady for a necklace and earring set, she liked one i'd made a while back which was on my flickr album so i recreated a similar one, and so i reserved it for here, but she cotnacted me once to explain she's had a few family memebrs fall ill and would make payment for the item soon...but never did...it's been nearly 2 weeks now...i dont want to pester her, but if she doesnt want it i'd like to remove the fact it's reserved for her so others may buy it.  should i contact her or jsut leave it for a while??


9/26/2009 7:24 pm  #37

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

Well that's cool on the repeat customer!!! how exciting!

My question is have you contacted her in the last two weeks with no response back? If so how many times?

     Thread Starter

9/27/2009 12:31 am  #38

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

Well my high school friend ended up buying the pre-order and also my "dia de los skeletons" towel sets! I'm so excited. Now this means I can start getting some stuff for my washcloth flower pots Yay i'm now up to 6 sales, I just hope that the other woman that bought the rooster towels leaves me some good feedback once she gets her stuff, and i'm sure that my high school friend will

     Thread Starter

9/27/2009 1:14 am  #39

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

Congrats!  I am excited to see these washcloth flower pots.

Shop with us at www.mimisbabies.etsy.com
Become a Facebook Fan at www.facebook.com/mimisbabies
Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/mimisbabiesetsy

9/27/2009 1:29 am  #40

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

Charissa- ME TOO! OMG I came up with this on my own and thought it would be a cute idea

     Thread Starter

9/27/2009 2:46 pm  #41

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

I didnt contact her at all.  she contacted me after a week to say she'd buy the items during the weekend and that she was busy looking after sick family members and apologized for the delay.  I sent her a message back and told her it was fine, and that she can pay for the item whenever she gets a chance too....but thats over 2 weeks now...should i ask her??  i dont want to pester her or anything!


9/27/2009 4:22 pm  #42

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

give it til about mid week or even til next weekend. If you still haven't heard back message her again and just politely say that you'd like to give someone else the opportunity to buy the jewelry if she isn't going to. Or even fib a bit and tell her you have someone else that's interested in them. Who knows that may push her along a little bit if she's truly serious about the purchase. It's called a takeaway in the sales world LOL guess i learned something from my last job.

     Thread Starter

9/27/2009 4:35 pm  #43

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

congrats, Rachel! I had been wondering whether it was worthwhile to advertise in Craigslist. Guess that's my answer!


9/27/2009 7:03 pm  #44

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

I posted an ad on craigslist...it was very general and not promoting one specific item. Don't know if anything has really come of it yet who knows. I did post my shop link and put the subject line as "handmade items for sale" I also posted my shop banner as one of the photos. Maybe i'll try doing some item specific postings, I also just did it for my local las vegas craigslist and offered free delivery to any locals that purchase.

     Thread Starter

9/28/2009 8:11 am  #45

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

Wow ladies, congrats on all these successes!!  I'm so excited for you all.


Blog:  http://monkeeta.blogspot.com  |  Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/monkeeta  |  Twitter:  http://www.twitter.com/monkeeta

9/28/2009 9:46 am  #46

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

I had a sale today! It's from an acquaintance, but I DON'T CARE! (it actually means a lot to me that people i know like my stuff.)


9/28/2009 11:14 am  #47

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

dobatseatcats- That's awesome! My last two sales were to an old highschool friend LOL So i'm like you I dont care who it comes from Good job i'm super happy for you!

     Thread Starter

9/29/2009 12:23 am  #48

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

SALE! SALE! SALE!   Couldn't sleep for some reason (it's around 4:30am) so checked the site, and tahdah!  I sold something.  My Ring Around the Moon, moonstone earrings.  And it was a random buyer.  No profile, they don't sell anything.  I'll tell you, after the week I've had, and no sales I was getting really discouraged.  It's funny how one stupid sale can kick start my excitement again! Yay!


9/29/2009 12:27 am  #49

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

Sandy-That's great! I'm so excited for you I'm sure it really gave you a confidence boost.

     Thread Starter

9/29/2009 9:17 am  #50

Re: Tell us about your success, sales, requests!

Yeah Sandy!!!

May your good luck (and good style) rub off on us all.



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