we're going to be shutting this board down after this weekend. By sunday October 25th I would like everyone to be registered over at the new board :) If you haven't been to the new one yet it's http://etsydlist.ning.com

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Forum rules

If you're going to be a part of our team and message board i'm requiring that every make a minimum of 5 posts a month. If for some reason you cannot comply with that request please notify me. If in-activity becomes an issue I will contact that member privately and notify them that they will be removed from the board/team if they don't start participating. I hate to be this way but I don't want people just coming here to grab info and not participate. It's unfair to those of us that do contribute and participate with one another. Please be polite to one another, if I find rude things being said I will handle the situation appropriately and notify the offender. If the matter can not be resolved I will ask the member to leave and discontinue membership with the board and team.

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