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9/25/2009 8:35 am  #1

Anyone else getting overwhelmed by the amount of username/passwords...

...you need to remember?

d lister forum 

any tips on managing these?


9/25/2009 8:49 am  #2

Re: Anyone else getting overwhelmed by the amount of username/passwords...

I know!  It's totally overwhelming.  I have to admit... I use the same username and password for many of my sites, just so don't have to remember.  There are, however, a ton of great password management applications out there that you can install and they will act as a toolbar on your browser and help you manage your log ins. 

If anyone has a password managment tool that they use and like... pass it on.


9/25/2009 9:56 am  #3

Re: Anyone else getting overwhelmed by the amount of username/passwords...

yeah, sometimes. I try and always use the same for most sites, but then there are the sites where you can't because you have to include a number, two numbers, a nonalphanumeric character, have to have it be a certain length, have to include your blood type and your firstborn, etc. Very frustrating!


9/25/2009 11:19 am  #4

Re: Anyone else getting overwhelmed by the amount of username/passwords...

Firefox has a "remember" option built into it and I use that for etsy, twitter, my biz email and other biz related sites. I also have a notebook that I use specifically for business related items. I picked it up at target on clearance, nothing fancy but it came with the dividers and some sheet protectors. I just write down my usernames and passwords so that way if I forget I can reference them. I'm SUPER organized when it comes to stuff like that, back when I still had a day job before the baby was born my cubicle at work was so organized it was crazy but I always knew where things were and all of my co-workers would give me crap for it, but people generally hate on what they envy 


9/25/2009 3:51 pm  #5

Re: Anyone else getting overwhelmed by the amount of username/passwords...

I use Robo form a lot.  It will fill in your user name and password and then remember them for you.


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9/25/2009 4:27 pm  #6

Re: Anyone else getting overwhelmed by the amount of username/passwords...

Samesies. I try to use the same password and username combo for sites, but some won't allow it. I don't even try to remember them all. When I need to log into a site with a password or username that I can't remember I request that they send me my info and then I have a folder in my email account where I keep all the reminders.


9/25/2009 6:02 pm  #7

Re: Anyone else getting overwhelmed by the amount of username/passwords...

i have a notebook where i put in all the usernames and passwords i use for different sites...i have a really bad memory so i need something to remind me! 

but i tend to use the same username and password wherever possible


9/26/2009 3:44 am  #8

Re: Anyone else getting overwhelmed by the amount of username/passwords...

Thanks for the ideas everyone! I may just keep them in 2 places: notebook and emails.

     Thread Starter

9/29/2009 11:46 am  #9

Re: Anyone else getting overwhelmed by the amount of username/passwords...

This is all so over my head, I still can't figure out how to get my avatar up.

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10/03/2009 4:30 pm  #10

Re: Anyone else getting overwhelmed by the amount of username/passwords...

I've created a seperate folder in my email for all my signup information.. that way if I ever forget one I'll know where to go check.

Other than that, I'm sure it's horrible, but I use the same info for most of my sign-ups. Easier to remember, but I'm sure one day my account will get hacked and I'll be screwed. That's the luck I have, it seems

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10/10/2009 1:42 pm  #11

Re: Anyone else getting overwhelmed by the amount of username/passwords...

On my work computer I have saved a 4 page, single spaced, 12 font document, that is nothing but a list of my logins and passwords for all the sites I have to use. Must be a couple hundred. It is ridiculous. As soon as I register in a new spot I immediately copy paste them in or I will forget! When I am at home I email myself so I will remember to paste them in when I get back to work. I try to use the same or similar passwords but every site has some different requirement. What a pain!


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